

Simon Palmore at UNC's bell tower

north carolina-based writer and advocate

about simon

Simon Palmore is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Having grown up in Washington, DC, he is lucky to have found a home in the South. He writes about memory, class, and community in fiction and non-fiction forms. In addition to writing, he dedicates his time to local politics and community building. Simon’s work appears in UNC’s Traces and Cornell University’s Rainy Day. His short story, “Blood on the Road,” received an Honorable Mention for the 2023 James Hurst Prize in Fiction. He lives in Durham, North Carolina.

Verde que te quiero verde. Verde viento. Verde ramas. El barco sobre la mar y el caballo en la montaña. Co la combra en la cintura ella sueña en su baranda, verde carne, pelo verde, con ojos de fria plata. Verde que te quiero verde.


  • Short story, honorable mention for 2023 James Hurst Prize for Fiction.

  • Short story, published in Rainy Day, forthcoming in 2024.

  • A blog post for MDC, Inc. about the role of philanthropy in a post-affirmative action South.

  • Part IV of my Finding Lorca series. Read it here.

  • Part III of my Finding Lorca series. Read it here.

  • Part II of my Finding Lorca series. Read it here.

  • Part I of my Finding Lorca series. Read it here.

  • In which I explore the power and limits of memory as a means of maintaining community after urban renewal in Charlotte, North Carolina. Published in Traces, 2022.


simonpalmore @ gmail

@ Simon_Palmore

Simon Palmore